Spring and summer are traditionally the hottest seasons if you're trying to sell a house in Morristown and the surrounding communities of Eastern Tennessee. But that doesn't mean you can't successfully sell a house when the leaves start falling. One of the questions you might be asking yourself is, "Should I sell my home now or wait until next year?" The truth is that selling your house in the fall can actually be a good choice. Check out my tips to help make selling your home in the fall as easy as possible. I'll answer these questions and more:
What's happening with real estate right now?
Selling a house during the fall season- what do homeowners need to know?
Advantages and challenges of selling a house in the fall.
Preparing for sale: prepping your property and updating it with fresh paint, new flooring, etc.
What is the market like for fall real estate? The real estate market is typically slow during the fall season, but there are certain selling advantages for homeowners who choose to put their home on the market in October or November. First of all, I'd like to mention that selling a house in winter is not advised since most people prefer looking at houses when the weather is warm and aesthetically pleasing. But selling in the fall does have some advantages, for example:
You can take advantage of buyers who are looking to relocate before winter hits and they want to move into their new home before Christmas or New Year's Eve.
Many homeowners look at selling a house during the late summer/fall time frame as an opportunity to avoid selling in the season when buyers are looking for newly built homes.
Selling a home during this time of year gives you more inventory and selling options since there won't be as much competition from newly constructed houses.
Selling your house at this time can also give you an upper hand over other sellers who might be selling in the spring or summer when buyers are looking for their dream home.
What do homeowners need to know? The selling process will be more of a challenge than selling in the spring and summer time frame since buyers aren't as active during this season. You may need to plan on spending more money on marketing your house, including advertising and additional updates. It's also important that you're patient with regards to closing dates. Some sellers have reported that selling a house in the fall took longer to close on than they expected. While some sellers might find this selling process a bit more challenging, selling your house in the fall can have some benefits. In addition to being able to avoid selling during one of the busier selling seasons of year, selling at this time will give you an advantage over other sellers who are looking for new homes and might be willing to pay more than what you're asking!
How to prepare your house for sale in fall? This time of year will give buyers ample opportunity to look at homes without feeling pressured by other people looking to buy a newly built property before winter hits. If selling your house in fall sounds like an option that interests you, I recommend selling your house sooner rather than later. There are many things that need to be checked off the list in preparation for selling a home during this time of year. For example: Get rid of any dead or dying plants and flowers since buyers will want to see how well landscaping is maintained at all times. Also, make sure your gutters are in good working order so that you don't have any issues with water pooling on the roof or around the foundation of your house. Fresh paint is also something else to consider when selling a home this time of year since many buyers will be looking at homes during fall months after they've just spent money furnishing their home for the holidays. You might also want to consider selling your house as a short sale if you're having financial difficulties and need help selling your property quickly without paying all those closing costs. Making these updates will help you sell your house faster and ensure that buyers are looking at houses in tip-top shape when selling a home during this time of year.
Tips for fall home staging The most important tip for successfully selling your house in the fall is to stage it properly. Many people look at staging their home as an added expense, but this can help you sell your house faster and for a better because buyers will have more motivation to make offers if they like what they see. It's also important that you invest in selling your house when the leaves start to change.
Take photos that capitalize on fall colors Make sure to take photos of your home from different angles and at different times of day. For example: taking a photo near an area with beautiful fall colors will help buyers envision themselves living there year-round. You can also stage some rooms or furniture differently depending on what time of day you're taking photos to show off different features of your home.
Boost your curb appeal Make sure your sidewalk, front door and entryway are free of leaves or any other debris that might be lingering around. Also make sure to keep the grass mowed and tidy since you want buyers to see as much space as possible! Your home selling process will be more challenging in the fall, but if you're patient, it's possible to get a great price when selling your house during this time of year!
Talk up your city's excellent services and amenities
Talking up how great your city's services and amenities are will help potential buyers picture themselves living there all year round. You can also talk about nearby parks or any upcoming events that might give people more incentive to move there.
Paint a picture of the ideal lifestyle that selling your house in the fall can provide buyers!
Contact a licensed real estate agent today Remember that selling a house in the fall is not an impossible task with these tips for sellers! Hopefully this article has answered some of your questions about selling a home during this time of year. If you're thinking about selling your home and need help with preparing it for sale or selling it this year, feel free to contact me today. I'm a licensed realtor who can help sell your house this fall!
I'd be happy to answer any other questions you have about selling a home in the fall. Contact me at 701-412-4777 or by email at sheilaulku.agent@gmail.com for more information on selling your property during these months.
If you're thinking about buying a home, check out Greater Impact Realty, Lakeway's, listing of homes for sale here.